You're Giving Me Chills

This past weekend over 22,000 people packed into the California Market Center's penthouse for our annual Holiday Show. WHOA. As usual people shopped until they dropped, they ate in our cafe areas, many enjoyed free drinks and some sat down to make crafts. But what you all don't see or hear is the magical stuff that gives me chills... You see, while everyone who visits the show can literally feel the positive energy and the amazing camaraderie that takes place during UNIQUE LA, only a few of us here at the office get to truly feel the love and appreciation from the community. What does that mean exactly? Well after every show I get loads of emails, Facebook messages and direct tweets thanking me for creating UNIQUE LA. They make me smile, some make me tear-up (in a good way), others make me laugh - ALL of them make me extremely proud and make me feel blessed. When I started the show I knew it would be a "big deal" and have a huge impact on the community but I never actually thought about just how much the show would change vendors lives. If I didn't create UNIQUE LA they might not be thriving as much, but it is truly the support that YOU the shoppers give them by spending money that creates the impact. We estimate that almost $2 million was spent during the two days - all of which goes back into the local economy!


I've gathered a few bits and pieces from emails to share with you. Thank you for supporting local design...