Riding on the Expo

The Expo Line opened this past weekend, and while I didn’t get back in town in time for the opening celebrations (or free fares!) I did get to ride it as part of a press preview a few weeks back. Here are some of my favorite photos, as well as links to two articles I wrote about it. Over at the LA Weekly (the issue currently on newsstands), I preview the line from the rider’s perspective, rating everything from the station design to dining options. And at The Architect’s Newspaper, review the line as part of what I think is LA’s new transit era. You guys, we’re finally on our way to becoming a world-class transit city. Again.

Lots more photos here, and for those of you who haven’t hopped on LA’s newest light rail line yet, here’s a timetable for regular service. See you on the train!

Something about this line just feels so… civilized. When I stood at the stations I would never have guessed it was in Los Angeles. And then I’d look up and see those signs: “to Downtown LA.”

The canopies are really nice, these pretty zig-zagging lines that float above you. The seemingly-random perforations in the metal are actually photos of the surrounding neighborhoods.

And the canopies create nice patterns on the ground as well, where pavers show illustrations and quotes about the last transit system to travel here.

I liked how they did the art at each station. These panels chronicle the history of the Ballona Creek, a few blocks away.

More Expo Line photos.