Go for the Gold!

.Time to Shine

With the Summer Olympics upon us it's time for athletes around the world to shine. How about a little golden bling for us, here at home in the US of A? Here are a few of my favorite golden goods - all made here in America, of course!

Clockwise from necklaces at top: + These Morse Code necklaces by COATT each have a unique meaning such as 'swell' and 'wild horses'! You can even customize one with your initials or your name... + I love these Plume Studs by Tiffany Kunz, who makes everything by hand in LA + Every time I wear my Gold Number Band Cuffs by Robynn Molino I get compliments all day long. Love 'em! + Elston Dancer Oxfords by Nina Payne who is based out of Brooklyn + Love these Collapsible Gold Star Structures at DWR + I am currently obsessed with these Gold Woodgrain Cuff links by F is for Frank... Sexy!