Warm Welcome

For a band that you can like after just one listen, Hospitality made a relatively small splash in their initial debut. The band will spend most of 2012 touring small venues like the Doug Fir in Portland and the Echo in LA. So did the invite get lost in the mail? This is the kind of indie album that would fit in on any playlist. The music has real chemistry; sounds melt together, lyrics seem to come easy and thanks to producers Karl Blau and Shane Stoneback the band’s natural charm remains intact. Even-keeled, the lyrics are playful and cynical; "I'd rather be home, my presidents there," is wonderfully reminiscent of the age old, "I can't come to the party tonight, I have to wash my hair," line.  In a refreshingly honest moment, lead singer, Amber Papini told Interview Magazine, the band found their namesake by constantly spitting out different ideas until one stuck, spending a whole week with the name "Shoulder" and "Trumpet" before deciding on Hospitality. The self-titled LP traverses a plane of everyday normalcy, remaining upbeat and yet still profound.  The trio formed in Brooklyn, NY circa 2007 with Papini on vocals, Brian Betancourt on Bass, and Nathan Michel handling percussion. The album's track list has all the necessary components, the story song: "Betty Wang," the break-up-make-up song: "Friends of Friends," and the ever-reflective: "Liberal Arts." Recently signed by Merge Records, Hospitality deserves a warm welcome.

Check Out: All Day Today, Eighth Avenue, Friends of Friends.

Sounds Like: Tennis, Sea Lions, Regina Spektor.


Friends of Friends:

Betty Wang:

Eighth Avenue:

All Day Today:

Office Tunes - Mayer Hawthorne



Recently, I've been listening to a lot of Mayer Hawthorne. His music is timeless, fun and soulful.

Born in Detroit, lives in Los Angeles; mixes old Motown sound with J-Dilla beats and creates something unique, new and "retro" at the same time. This song is so fun and light, but what's really amazing is the dance routine in this video. It makes me want to dance around the office in a very silly manner :D