Designer Q&A: wolfum

Check out our second installment of the Designer Q&A segment with Annabel Inganni, the founder of wolfum - a textile line of hand made home goods.

Founder: Annabel Inganni


Favorite thing about LA?

The horticulture - I adore being outside and LA offers so many different environmental experiences. My favorite spot is my yard because my house is nested 'just so' with trees all around and not another house in site! There are birds, coyotes, butterflies and tons and tons of plants…Heaven.

What do you make?

wolfum is a home goods and children's textile line. We offer bold printed throw pillows, napkins, and furniture and have created a technique of printing directly onto hardwood and other materials, resulting in beautiful bookends, coasters and trivets.

How long have you been in business?

wolfum launched in December 2010.

Why did you start wolfum?

As a life long lover of prints and texture, I had worked in apparel design for many years but kept being drawn to the home goods industry. My husband, a furniture designer, offered the opportunity to create a wood product and once we perfected the technique, I was hooked.

What inspired you to start your own line?

I was pregnant at the time that I was designing this first line and much of it was inspired by my daughter. I wanted children's product that would work in our home - timeless, modern, elegant and colorful. I, of course< am also a huge fan of marimekko, vera neumann and vintage table linens. wolfum strives to create products that can grow with your home and family.

What's special about your goods?

wolfum is 100% made in LA. we use organic cotton and FSC certified walnut and limit our packaging all in the attempt to be eco kind. Quality manufacturing and tasteful design insure that the products will last, making durability and longevity the most eco friendly component!

Where are your products sold?

The Hammer Museum bookstore, la la ling (a boutique in Los Feliz), or directly through us at I'm still trying to balance mommyhood and work, once I catch up we hope to have many more wholesale accounts!

Designer Q&A: Graf & Lantz

Join us as we sit down with the founders of Los Angeles based bag and accessory company Graf & Lantz for a quick Q&A.

Founders: Holger Graf and Daniel Lantz


Favorite thing about LA?

Holger: The weather.

Daniel: LA is too big to have one favorite thing! But if I have to choose, its the diversity.

What do you make?

A line of bags and home goods made from felt and other natural materials.

How long have you been in business?

3 years

What inspired you to start your line?

Independent thought, quality workmanship and natural textiles.

Why is Graf&Lantz special?

We design and manufacture everything in our design studio right here in Los Angeles.

Anything notable?

We are currently in Henri Bendel! In general Graf & Lantz has had great support from the press and we've recently appeared in Real Simple and People, and we are going to be in Lucky and WWD soon.

Eva Franco's Design Studio


Join us as we hang out at Eva Franco's downtown design studio located in the heart of Downtown LA.

Originally from Hungary, Eva is known best for her intricately designed, vintage inspired skirts and dresses which can be found in over 800 stores, including London and Paris. The best part is that all of her clothes are made right here in LA.

Find out more about Eva Franco at