Who's psyched for UNIQUE NYC this weekend? We thought you might be interested in a sneak preview of what's happening this weekend at UNIQUE NYC. Here's the map of all of the vendors and activities at the show! Plan your trip ahead.

Did you know that you can get a free American Apparel tshirt with exclusive UNIQUE NYC artwork from Toyota? Did you also know that Toyota will donate $2 to local non-profit World Up each time you mention #toyotagiving in your tweet? Come to UNIQUE NYC to celebrate and support the local designers and artists! Woop Woop!

Get Ready for UNIQUE NYC

UNIQUE NYC is right around the corner and we thought it would be kind of amazing if you guys would help us spread the word about the show! Here's what you can do:

#1 Download our UNIQUE NYC buttons and fliers below to share online (lots more sizes and options coming soon). Post them on your blog, website, Facebook pages, Tumblr, Pinterest – heck, wherever you can! :) (Please point the ads back to http://stateofunique.com/unique-nyc)

#2 Join and share the event on Facebook.

#3 Tweet about the event & follow us @UniqueNYC

#4 Wanna help us with our grassroots marketing effort? Email (aisha at stateofunique dot com) with your mailing address and we’ll send you postcards to give to friends and family and distribute in your neighborhood/at work/in your community/at your favorite cafe/etc., plus we'll include a gift!